Friday, March 4, 2011

Can skin care products really change your life?

I have been using a new skin care line and loving the results so far!! The line is by Topix, and I was inspired by Dr. Cynthia Bailey's blog. I feel like these products deserve their own post so I am going to wait on my reviews.

I found Dr. Bailey's blog a few weeks ago and read her post on SD in your ears (sorry if this is TMI). I have struggled with this since Sydney was born (almost 7 years), and had almost constant itching in my ears. I have seen my derm more than once as well as my PCP and tried no fewer than four different prescriptions to stop the itching. Things have improved it, but nothing has truly taken it away. Imagine my surprise when Dr. Bailey told me it could be helped with products from the drugstore! Since following her advice, my ears have improved more than with any of the Rx's. There is no longer a constant itching in my ears, which in turn has improved my mood, self esteem, and quality of life. I am so happy I found her website!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heading Home

So, Johnny got a job! He was actually offered two jobs, and is going to have to choose. It doesn't matter to me which one he chooses because they are both in BOSTON!!!! Woo Hoo!!! I could not be more proud of my Ferris! And I love knowing where we will be what we will do etc!! No we just need to find a place to live, schools for the kids, and find out where I'll be working! After the last year and a half- no problemo!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Get Over Yourself

Ok, so a friend from high school posted as her facebook status the other day that she wished FB had a 'get over yourself' button! I 'liked' it along with everyone else we know because the truth is nobody is perfect. And the harder you try to appear perfect, it only makes the rest of us wonder what you are trying so hard to hide.

So at the risk of getting the goy button pushed on me- there is something I need to say. My life is far from perfect- I'm a thousand miles from my family, my former hotness has gone down the tubes, there are toys wherever you look in my house and I may never catch up on laundry. But you know what, y'all? I'M HAPPY! I'm so happy. Right now in this moment. I love my God, my husband, my children and my life to the absolute depths of my soul. Being a Mom has given me more joy than I ever thought possible and this extended vacation that my family has been on for the last year and a half has made us stronger, closer, better. So click away- because life is so, so good and I just needed to say it out loud!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Adoption On Our Hearts

Anyone who knows us well knows that adoption is something that the Lord has put on our hearts. We don't know when or where, but we are ready and willing when the time comes. And yes, we know we had four children in four years, we know the heart wrenching process of adoption, the emotional and financial costs. But we feel called. Ever since I read The Family Nobody Wanted as a child, this has been on my heart. And for anyone who cannot understand Missy has explained more eloquently than I could ever try right here.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Durham Bucket List

When Ferris graduates in May, we will be heading somewhere. Of course we don't know where, which is exciting and frightening at the same time. In the meantime though, we have grown to love Durham and everything it has to offer. Great neighborhood schools, a super-friendly atmosphere, the BEST stores (seriously, SuperTarget- where have you been all my life?) a mailbox with a flag, we've got a lot to be thankful for here. But there are still some things I need to do, so without further ado, here is my Durham Bucket List

1. Eat at the pretty Chinese restaurant and Nana's
2. Ride the bull at Shooter's
3. Sing karaoke- out loud, with an audience

Well that's all I have for now. It probably sounds silly to you, but this whole process of moving has allowed me to face my biggest fears. I just have a few more to do. Oh ya, and I like to eat out! So there may be some more coming, but right now this is what I've got!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Skipping Home

My favorite moment of the day is without a doubt getting my big kids off of the bus. The waiting, looking around the corner to see if I can see any yellow. And then that moment when they get off the bus, they smile at me with these big huge smiles! And then, each day, something magical happens. They each take a hand and we skip down the street. It is one of those perfect moments of motherhood. And I know it won't be long before they don't want to be seen with me. So yes- that grown woman skipping down the street is me- and I wouldn't trade these moments for the world.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ferris it is!!!

Ok, so some time ago I wrote wondering about why bloggers used these cutesy little nicknames for their husband and kids. The Pioneer Woman has the Marlboro Man, Kendra has Lovey Loverpants. Well, now I have mine at last...ladies and gentlemen may I introduce Ferris

Why Ferris, you might ask? Well, if you're asking then it is obvious you don't know my husband. He is the most fun-loving, carpe diem, grab life by the horns guy you have ever met. I didn't know him in high school, but I'm quite sure his classmates thought this about him, everybody still does! And truly, he is. Somehow things always work out for him, no matter what he does, or doesn't do. So, would this make me the lovely Sloane Peterson? Not quite. I work hard, am a 'by the book' type of girl and honestly, sometimes Ferris' exploits frustrate me. Honestly, I am more like this...

I do know though that he pulls me out of my comfort zone way more than I would like to go, but I always end up having more fun! Ugh, I hate when he's right!!! ;)